Embracing Your Inner Wisdom: How to Listen to Your Heart, Body, and Mind

Holden QiGong
5 min readAug 27, 2024


Do you ever find yourself immediately second-guessing a decision you just made?

Life is full of decisions, and sometimes it can be difficult to discern which path is right for you to take. Some decisions are relatively small, such as what you should eat for dinner or how you want to spend your Saturday afternoon. Other decisions feel much more significant.

The way in which you make decisions and navigate life can have a significant impact on your stress levels and overall well-being. If you’re constantly doubting yourself, you’ll likely feel stressed out and anxious. On the other hand, if you have a clear inner compass guiding you, you can navigate life’s decisions with ease and confidence.

Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong offer some important principles that can help you tap into the innate wisdom of your heart, body, and mind. In this blog, you’ll learn how to tap into these important sources of wisdom, allowing you to find a profound sense of flow and effortlessness, even in the face of challenging decisions.

Debunking Conventional “Wisdom”

When you think about the word wisdom, it may be an ancient philosopher or great intellectual who comes to mind. While many great thinkers might be wise, it’s not only because they were good at thinking. However, the world tends to be hyper-focused on that specific quality.

In the modern world, there’s a lot of emphasis on intellectual analysis when it comes to making sense of the world and making decisions. On both an individual and societal level, there’s a prevailing attitude that thinking is the most valuable human ability.

In many ways, thinking is very important. Math and logic have allowed humans to develop powerful technologies that impact all aspects of daily life. However, while the ability to think critically is certainly valuable, it’s often not enough when it comes to navigating real-life situations and issues. If it were, we wouldn’t have wars, poverty, or numerous other social or environmental challenges we face.

Additionally, humans have the tendency to overthink, even when there’s no real benefit. For example, laying awake at night and thinking about all the things you have to do the next day doesn’t really accomplish anything. In fact, in many cases, the act of overthinking leads to significant stress and anxiety. In other words, thinking too much drains your energy without actually leading to true insight or wisdom.

In order to be truly wise, you can’t just rely on the power of your mind. Rather, you must learn how to tap into the wisdom of your heart and body.

How to Cultivate True Wisdom

According to Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong, you must learn how to integrate the energies of your heart, body, and mind in order to experience true wisdom. Without being connected to these three important energy centers, it’s impossible to channel the insights and intuitions that lie deep within you.

In Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong, your body, mind, and heart each hold their own unique gifts. Your body holds your physical, life force energy known as Jing, and is centered in your lower abdomen. This is the energy of physical and sexual vitality.

Your mind is your center of spiritual awareness and is connected to the universe above you. The energy in your mind is called Shen. When you’re able to move past restless thinking and attune your mind to the cosmos, you’re able to channel the lessons and insights it has to offer.

Your heart is your center of emotional consciousness. If you listen closely, your heart is constantly offering you important insights and guidance throughout all of life’s experiences.

In order to harness your full potential for insight and wisdom, it’s important to integrate all three of these important energy centers. You can’t just rely on one of them. If you only pay attention to your mind, for example, you’ll miss out on so much potential that lies within you.

To find harmony between these three energy centers, you must learn how to move energy downward from your head and into your heart and body. This allows you to calm your mind and let go of restless thinking. Since an overactive mind expends a lot of energy, you’re able to “reclaim” your vitality by doing this process.

In addition to releasing restless thinking, you must also learn how to activate the core energies of your mind, heart, and body.

Activating the Energies of Your Mind, Body, and Heart

Activating Shen energy in your mind helps you experience clearer thinking while also perceiving the world with greater depth. It’s like tapping into a layer of understanding that transcends the typical mental frameworks that people usually operate in.

When you activate your heart energy, you’re able to relate to your emotions in a more direct and skillful way. This empowers you to recognize and process different emotions, and let go of old triggers that no longer serve you. In doing so, you can experience reduced stress and greater emotional balance.

Your body is the physical container of your entire being. When you activate the wisdom of your body, you find a sense of flow with yourself and the world around you. It also helps you feel more energized in everyday life, allowing you to embrace each day with joy and enthusiasm.

When all three of these energy centers are activated and connected, you naturally experience the gifts that each has to offer. This empowers you to channel the full wisdom that lies within you, helping you navigate through life with confidence and clarity.

There are various ways to activate your inner wisdom, and one of these is through the practice of Qi Gong.

Learn Qi Gong Practices to Cultivate Your Inner Wisdom

Qi Gong is a powerful practice that works with slow, flowing movements to invigorate and harmonize your internal energy. It’s based on the understanding that your body is full of invisible, life-force energy (Qi) which you can work with through various practices.

There are numerous benefits of practicing Qi Gong, and one of these is to cultivate wisdom. In this blog, you learned why it’s important to activate and balance the energies of your mind, heart, and body. In our on-demand Wisdom Qi Gong Workshop, you learn how to apply these principles through a specific set of Qi Gong practices.

Our Wisdom Qi Gong Workshop is taught by master Qi Gong teacher, Lee Holden. Because it’s an on-demand workshop and offered online, you can do the lessons whenever you want from the comfort of your own home. Learn more and discover how Qi Gong can help you tap into your full potential for wisdom and clarity.

